Thursday, October 13, 2011

Random facts of SIFE!

Hey all SIFErs and blog readers! :D

Notice the different writing style? :) This is because I'm not Siew Ming! Andrea Chew is speaking (or rather, typing) here, and I'll be the one updating you guys on this blog from now on! *waves*
I've been a member of SIFE since April 2011, and like many of you, joining SIFE was because I really want to help the people in need in whatever way I can, and what better way than to use my brain juice and muscles and work with you awesome people (yes, YOU!) to help build business plans for them and create sustainable projects for them?! Am I rightt? :)

Well...This is gonna be a post about random facts of SIFE!

First off, our amazing logo! (if you haven't seen it)

FYI, the same standard logo is used for every other SIFE organisation around the world. The only difference is the respective university's name is written underneath the logo. :) #randomfact1

Ever heard of SIFE World Cup before? Fear not if you haven't, because today is your lucky day!
The famed SIFE World Cup is an international competition whereby teams from all over the world will be judged to be doing the best job in creating economic opportunity. 
Before one can proceed to the SIFE World Cup, the team must compete in the regional competition in their respective country. The Regional Champion then advances to the SIFE National Competition, with the emerging champion of the SIFE National Competition heading for the SIFE World Cup. The SIFE National Competition is typically held during the months of April to July. #randomfact2
During your free time, i strongly recommend you guys to youtube SIFE World Cup and be amazed at the presentations. See what others are doing for the world! :)

Btw, do you know that the recent SIFE World Cup was held in Malaysia on the 3-5 October? It was held in Los Angeles last year. ;) #randomfact3

Any SIFEr with brilliant ideas and have a sustainable project in mind can suggest the project to be undertaken! So if you've got something in mind, be brave, take charge, and speak to any committee about it! (There is a project form to fill up, which i will be posting here sometime soon) #randomfact4

Characteristics of successful SIFE Projects #randomfact5 :
  • Considered relevant economic, social and environmental factors that may be applicable to the project.
  • Identified an appropriate target group with a clear need.
  • Focused on empowerment of target group.
  • Applied business and economic concepts and an entrepreneurial approach.
  • Illustrated an improvement in the target group's quality of life and standard of living.
  • Illustrated innovative approaches to using business as a viable solution.
  • Collaborated with and involved the team's Business Advisory Board.
  • Defined potential for continuation and possible expansion in the future.

Oookayy. Clearly this supposedly random facts ain't so random after all. More like calculated informational facts. Haha my bad. Well, ladies and gentlemen of SIFE, please do keep updated with this blog as I will be posting more from now on and strive to make this blog as interesting and informational as it can be. As of now, thank you for taking time to read this post.


Friday, April 22, 2011

Project SOS

As written in the previous post, we had our first trip for our first project - Project SOS. 

Summarising what this project is about; it is to help the women refugees to be able to sustain themselves as well as their family. Coming into Malaysia, these women aren't allowed to have a work permit here, thus unable to earn income. Although they are not allowed to work, that doesn't mean they do not have the skills and potentials to do and create things, such as cooked delicious foods as well as sewing beautiful clothes (pictures can be seen from the previous post). There are a few, however, who did not possess the right abilities and having the basic business knowledge to sustain themselves.

Hence, our role in this Project SOS would be divided into two groups; business coaches and marketing team. Both roles are crucial for the success of this projects. The descriptions of each roles would be further elaborated. 

Business coaches
Business coaches would require SIFERs to visit the women and enrich them with basic business knowledge. The process of being a business coach would be as following:
  1. Attending a business coach training session that will be conducted by one of the coaches in TECH Outreach. The date for this training would be confirmed later on, by evaluating the convenience of all of us.
  2. Each SIFERs would be paired up with each other and both would accompany the professional coach from TECH Outreach to visit the women for the first few visits. The women are scattered in various locations (eg. Gombak, Sentul, PJ, Klang, Port Klang etc.) so both SIFERs would need to travel to designated locations and visit a group of women (approximately 5 women).
  3. After two to three visits with the business coaches, the SIFERs are expected to visit the women by themselves (both in pair). The frequency of this visit would be minimum once every two weeks (twice per month) and it will go on for 6-12 months, depending on the progress of the women. No worries, each visiting session should last no longer than 2 hours. Did I mention that SIFERs can arrange the date and time they would like to visit the women? Just make a phone call with the women and TECH Outreach people (for them to send a translator over) to set the date you are planning to visit. Of course when I said anytime, that doesn't mean 3am or 11pm.  
Some of you might wonder, what should you do when you visit the women. Well, each SIFERs would be given a sheet of form during each visit and just fill it in accordingly. After each visiting session, SIFERs are expected to write a short, informal report on the progress of the women and send back to the people in TECH Outreach. There are various things that could happen during the visit. So, here are a few scenarios that are given by Dr Malar (from TECH Outreach).

When visiting the women, SIFERs should check on their living place; if it is messy or not, their working place is hygienic or not, the condition of the house. If, for example, there is a big lump of rubbish at the kitchen, just beside the pot where they are cooking the curry (hope you're not eating while reading this >.<) then SIFERs are expected to tell them to clean the place and all those stuff. 

SIFERs should also check on the quality of the products. Perhaps if the women cooked some food, SIFERs can have a taste and give their personal comment on it; whether it is too salty, too sweet, too oily?? Act as if you're a professional food critique. As for those who sew, check on their shirt quality; whether there is any loose ends or the design not good enough. You be the judge on their products. 

Some women do not have basic accounting knowledge, so here is the chance for you to apply what you learn in classroom to real life. They do not know how to do accounting entries and they mixed their personal account with their business account (sounds familiar right =P). So, SIFERs need to at least teach them the basic double entry, which is the debit and credit. But not having an accounting background like us is a disadvantage to them, so when SIFERs are teaching them, just use simple terms like in and out (referring to double entry).

These are a few scenarios that could happen during the visits. Of course, it may vary for each one of you. Some may encounter more difficult situation; some may have an easier time. But nonetheless, it will train you to become good teacher and improve on your communications. 

Do take note that during the first few visits, the women may not be too keen to talk to you, since you are a complete stranger to them. It's normal, human nature. I'm sure most of us do not talk much with the person sitting beside in the bus, or to the cafeteria lady. So, try to build trust and relationship with them. Once they are comfortable opening up to you, then the whole process would be easier. 

Being a business coach requires SIFERs to communicate with other people, hence communication skills are important. Not only that, there are several things that you need to be as a business coach. 

  1. Outspoken - As mentioned earlier, SIFERs would need to give their comments on a few things. Whatever comments or thoughts you have, just voice it out. If their food tastes bad, tell them it tastes bad. If the women are unhygienic, tell them they are unhygienic. Of course, be polite and give suggestions on how they could improve. I know that some (including myself) are afraid to voice these things out incase if it will hurt them. But this is important because it's a way that you would help them to improve themselves.
  2. Mature thinking - It's a weird way to put it, but once you read on hopefully you'll get some idea on it. Some women may face with difficulties (family or personal problems). So, they would tell you their problems and probably need you help them to solve it. Nevertheless, whatever problems that they have please do not disclose it to others as it may be a confidential matter for them. Plus, from my experience some people laugh when others were pouring their heart out. So please don't be like that. 
  3. Commitment -  SIFERs must be committed in visiting the women. Minimum two visits per month. This is important because if SIFERs do not keep up their visit, then the women would feel left out or have no trust on you. Then the core objective of this project which is BUILDING RELATIONSHIP AND EMPOWERING THE WOMEN TO SUSTAIN THEMSELVES would not be achieved. So, we do not allow people who are ffk type to be business coaches.
So, these are the things that are required for business coach. There is another group which is the marketing team.

Marketing team
At one look, marketing team is a simpler task compare to business coach. However, the process is very challenging and plays a crucial role in this project as well. Basically, the main objective for the marketing team is to establish connections between the women and the external market. 

As mentioned earlier, these women produces great products (food, clothing and others) but they cannot work. Hence, they only sell these products among their community. In another words, take money from left pocket and put it in the right pocket. So, our role is to market their products. But, they are not allowed to work, so what we can do is to find someone who are willing to buy their products and sell it. For example, one of the women made muruku and she can sell it to a mamak restaurant and the mamak restaurant can sell it to the public. Our job is to find the company or people who are willing to sell their products. It's easier said than done though, cause there might be procedures that needs to be adhere and the response from the company may be frustrating at times. However, it gives the exposure on communication as well because in the future if we need to contact other people, we would know how to handle the situation. 

We do have project managers for Project SOS. Our project managers are Teo Chien Yi, Michelle Tan and Chua Pei Wen. Chien Yi and Michelle are from ACCA whereas Pei Wen is in BAF. Do approach them for further inquiries. In case if you don't know any of them, here's a picture of our project managers.

Chien Yi
Pei Wen

Right now, we are looking for people to volunteer themselves for any of these roles. It is an interesting process and may be difficult but if we all give support to each other, I don't see why we couldn't do it. Support from everyone of you is crucial in ensuring that this club will continue to go on for years to come. Many of you may not know, but for the first SIFE meeting which was held on 15th October 2010, there were less than 50 students who were there. But today, we have 300+ members register for this club and to those who were there for the last meeting, you can see that even the biggest classroom could not accommodate all of us. Perhaps the next member meeting we will make it in MPH (if we could get it). So, show your continuous support for this club. 

If you do have any question, please do not hesitate to approach us. You can drop your questions at Facebook if you can't catch anyone of us in Sunway. Hope that after reading this, you are able to make up your mind on what you can help on. By next week, we will be finalizing the members who are interested in this project. 

Thanks and regards,
Jake Ooi
VP of Projects 
SIFE Sunway 

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Our Very First Step Out - Project SOS

26 March 2011, a beautiful day.

To many of us, the first always leaves a distinct impression. 

On the 26th last month, 26 of us Sunway SIFERs made our way to the Sri Lanka Buddhist Temple all the way at Jalan Sentul, KL for a great start to our first project at the moment - Project Sounds of Silence. 

For those who have been wondering how this name came about, it is actually reflecting the unheard voices of the women refugees - their worries, sorrows and anxieties all kept within themselves, unheard. And this is going to be where SIFERs come into the picture, to play the role as a group of young passionate youth who strives to help them lessen the burden they bear, be it emotional support or by empowering them with the right skills to sustain a better life. 

Everyone deserves a good life. Since we're in this position a little more fortunate than the refugees who had no choice but to leave their homeland and be separated from their loved ones, why not share our happiness with them? So at least they feel a tinge of comfort when they know someone out there still cares for their existence in a country where they didn't belong.

That very day began with all of us not knowing exactly what to anticipate, but i believe at the end of the day, we've all gained more than we'd imagined. 

Gathered at Sunway University's foyer before departing to our destination.
When many hands work together, making 20 SIFE flags was sheer bliss ;) 

Sunway SIFERs happily hopping off the bus upon arriving, after a long long journey.

Sri Lanka Buddhist Temple.

Dr Malar, the lady behind TECH-Outreach.
Truly respect and admire her enthusiasm.
Giving a hug to one of the refugees who made her proud by making the best she can out of the loan given to her.

During this "Meet the Women" session, SIFERs were divided into small groups and then allocated to the refugees from different countries, such as Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Somalia and Afghanistan, where we spoke to them to understand the problems they're currently facing. 

A conclusion we obtained from most of the refugees was not that their products weren't good enough, but they didn't have the right channels to sell their products. While some of the things we could help with are to teach them basic communication skills, simple English or Bahasa Malaysia, modification on their brochures or business cards as well as to enhance their product's packaging.

SIFERs interacting with the business coach.
- from right: Pei Wen (Apprentice Project Manager), Kelly (Media Relations manager) and Chien Yi (Project Manager)

The crowd in the hall during the "Product Analysis Session" where SIFERs interacted with the refugees while tasting/touching/feeling the products they brought.

Our beloved Faculty Advisors who dropped by, Mr Michael and Ms Raji.

Some of the products by the refugees from Somali.

Food products by the Sri Lanka refugees. Look at those beautiful cupcakes!

The SIFE Sunway team :)

With Dr Malar and the KTAR SIFERs who were also there to help out.

Bonfire?? Naah, discussion and feedback session after the refugees have left. Brainstorming about what we can do next.

*Photos credit to our photographer Michelle Leong and attached advisor, Heri. Kindly visit our Facebook page at SIFE Sunway for more pictures! ;) 

All in all, this is only the beginning of Project SOS. Do provide us with feedbacks on your experience as part of the project, and it's time we gather great ideas and continue to move forward! So spill your ideas~ 

You can now sign up to be one of the Business Coaches or even get involved in the Marketing Team! Any doubts you wish to clarify, please don't hesitate to drop us a comment here :)

* * *

"Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down." - Oprah Winfrey

Since the first day we started giving out forms and sending emails for project sign ups, one thing that hinders most of us from signing up right away would be the concern as to "how much commitment is required once i sign up for the project?" 

Well, it is understandable that as University students there are really a lot of things to handle and cope with, but keep in mind that in SIFE, we are a team who's always got each other's back, we're building a team with people who do things whole-heartedly.

With ,
Cheng Siew Ming (VP Marketing) 
SIFE Sunway

Saturday, April 2, 2011

A Welcome Note

Dear Sunway SIFErs,

Welcome to our very own blog for SIFE Sunway! Thanks to our Marketing and Media Relations team especially the VP, Siew Ming for doing such a great job on the layout! =) I hope you Sunway SIFErs like it as much as I do! Forgive your president, but she can never pull this off even though she helped invent Windows for Microsoft...joking of course. Well they say a wise lady admits her weakness, so I'm admitting mine =)

Now the reason why this blog is created is mainly because we'd like to open up and reach out as much as we can to our SIFErs, to hear your thoughts, to dive into your feelings and imagination and also to help you realise your visions into reality! As cliché as it sounds, our team mean it from the bottom of our hearts, because unlike any other conventional clubs or societies, SIFE is REAL when it touches your lives and the lives of others - provided that you are willing to participate in the projects and actively seek to contribute to the community! 

Who are we without your collective thoughts and support afterall. =) So SIFErs, do utilise this blog as much as possible as a way for us to interact and also strengthen our bonds as a family. Remember the quote: 

The combined thought and action of the whole people of any race, creed or nationality, will always point in the right direction.”.
                                                                                                               -U.S President Truman

When I first heard of SIFE, it wasn't even established in Sunway. Being another dot on the radar, neither do I have the power nor connections to bring such a prestigious movement to Sunway University - College once upon a time ago. Do you have an idea of what kind of person I was back then? Laidback, all ideas and thoughts but no implementation..just ambition. It seemed so long ago but...hey I'm not that old.=P The only thing that pushed me forward when I heard of SIFE in Sunway was solely because I sincerely want to put my ideas into reality to help those who really needs help. Ideas that can't be implemented by me alone. Ideas that are imperfect unless criticised and supplemented by ideas of other people smarter and wiser than me.

To you, it may sound like I'm lying, to do things for others without tangible rewards for myself. But I've seen the hardships of others right before my eyes, when 50 cents bought a meal shared for a family of eight - a packet of maggie boiled long enough to expand with veggie if they are lucky during the Monsoon season, or the dilemma of an eldest son whether he should stop schooling to support his younger siblings since his old dad is being underpaid as lorry driver driving late at night not knowing whether he will be safe. This is real. It happens. 

Sympathy alone will bring them nowhere, but our thoughts and little efforts may give them hope to believe that a group of youth is out there trying their best to bring the slightest change that may relieve them off their burden. People are only willing to fight when they believe. And this is why we SIFErs are here. To share our knowledge despite the different academic backgrounds, to empower them with skills and support enough for them to believe that they will be able to sustain themselves in the future. Now is the time to also think of others apart from ourselves, when you do, you have empathy, and you will be a great leader of tomorrow. =)

I myself, am still in the process of learning to become a great leader together with you guys. You guys are leaders yourself the moment you signed up for SIFE. =) I believe that these past few months in SIFE, has taught me a lot more than what I gained for the past few years in any other clubs or teams. I hope, ALL SIFErs will have the same experience during your time in SIFE Sunway. My time in SIFE Sunway may be short, but I never lose faith that current and future generation of Sunway SIFErs will lead the movement to great success. Bear in mind, SIFE Sunway is built on TRUST, UNITY & EQUAL OPPORTUNITY. At least, that's what I saw the moment I met the Team for the first time. =))

Lots of love,
Nabilah Mohamad
SIFE Sunway -April 2011-