Our Projects

Name: Sounds of Silence (S.O.S.)
Target Audience: The women in need, also known as the WINs
  • Refugees (from Afghanistan, Myanmar, Somalia, Sri Lanka, etc.)
  • Single mothers
Brief Description: 
Project SOS will basically be conducted in collaboration with TECH Outreach, a non-profit organisation that aims to empower the disadvantaged communities with skills which enable them to meet the basic human needs for a better life. 

SIFE Sunway on the other hand, specifically targets the women refugees as well as single mothers in hope of giving them the opportunity to be exposed to basic communication and business skills in order to improve their product marketability. 

The ultimate objective of this project is to equip the WINs with the skills necessary for them to sustain an improved standard of living and quality of life.

Project SOS involves:
  • Building trust and relationship with the target group 
  • Assessment of the current products produced by the women based on stated criteria
  • Quality review and product improvement in terms of packaging
  • Identifying viable markets or retailers that accept their products

Name: The Income Generation Project
Brief Description:
This project seeks to generate funds for SIFE Sunway to be self-financed in the long run so as to reduce the reliance on sponsorships to carry out projects at a greater scale. The fund raising activities includes setting up booths at Sunway's Cafeteria, organising events or competitions within the campus as well as starting up a permanent business in the University when the circumstances allow so.

Name: Gen-Eco
Target Audience: Zoo Negara
Project Status: Currently on hold.
*Further details on the project will be updated when we are all ready, stay tuned!