Saturday, April 9, 2011

Our Very First Step Out - Project SOS

26 March 2011, a beautiful day.

To many of us, the first always leaves a distinct impression. 

On the 26th last month, 26 of us Sunway SIFERs made our way to the Sri Lanka Buddhist Temple all the way at Jalan Sentul, KL for a great start to our first project at the moment - Project Sounds of Silence. 

For those who have been wondering how this name came about, it is actually reflecting the unheard voices of the women refugees - their worries, sorrows and anxieties all kept within themselves, unheard. And this is going to be where SIFERs come into the picture, to play the role as a group of young passionate youth who strives to help them lessen the burden they bear, be it emotional support or by empowering them with the right skills to sustain a better life. 

Everyone deserves a good life. Since we're in this position a little more fortunate than the refugees who had no choice but to leave their homeland and be separated from their loved ones, why not share our happiness with them? So at least they feel a tinge of comfort when they know someone out there still cares for their existence in a country where they didn't belong.

That very day began with all of us not knowing exactly what to anticipate, but i believe at the end of the day, we've all gained more than we'd imagined. 

Gathered at Sunway University's foyer before departing to our destination.
When many hands work together, making 20 SIFE flags was sheer bliss ;) 

Sunway SIFERs happily hopping off the bus upon arriving, after a long long journey.

Sri Lanka Buddhist Temple.

Dr Malar, the lady behind TECH-Outreach.
Truly respect and admire her enthusiasm.
Giving a hug to one of the refugees who made her proud by making the best she can out of the loan given to her.

During this "Meet the Women" session, SIFERs were divided into small groups and then allocated to the refugees from different countries, such as Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Somalia and Afghanistan, where we spoke to them to understand the problems they're currently facing. 

A conclusion we obtained from most of the refugees was not that their products weren't good enough, but they didn't have the right channels to sell their products. While some of the things we could help with are to teach them basic communication skills, simple English or Bahasa Malaysia, modification on their brochures or business cards as well as to enhance their product's packaging.

SIFERs interacting with the business coach.
- from right: Pei Wen (Apprentice Project Manager), Kelly (Media Relations manager) and Chien Yi (Project Manager)

The crowd in the hall during the "Product Analysis Session" where SIFERs interacted with the refugees while tasting/touching/feeling the products they brought.

Our beloved Faculty Advisors who dropped by, Mr Michael and Ms Raji.

Some of the products by the refugees from Somali.

Food products by the Sri Lanka refugees. Look at those beautiful cupcakes!

The SIFE Sunway team :)

With Dr Malar and the KTAR SIFERs who were also there to help out.

Bonfire?? Naah, discussion and feedback session after the refugees have left. Brainstorming about what we can do next.

*Photos credit to our photographer Michelle Leong and attached advisor, Heri. Kindly visit our Facebook page at SIFE Sunway for more pictures! ;) 

All in all, this is only the beginning of Project SOS. Do provide us with feedbacks on your experience as part of the project, and it's time we gather great ideas and continue to move forward! So spill your ideas~ 

You can now sign up to be one of the Business Coaches or even get involved in the Marketing Team! Any doubts you wish to clarify, please don't hesitate to drop us a comment here :)

* * *

"Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down." - Oprah Winfrey

Since the first day we started giving out forms and sending emails for project sign ups, one thing that hinders most of us from signing up right away would be the concern as to "how much commitment is required once i sign up for the project?" 

Well, it is understandable that as University students there are really a lot of things to handle and cope with, but keep in mind that in SIFE, we are a team who's always got each other's back, we're building a team with people who do things whole-heartedly.

With ,
Cheng Siew Ming (VP Marketing) 
SIFE Sunway


Deneshweren said...

I really hope can go for the next event.

Siew Ming said...

Yess denesh! shoo shoo to fever! ;)