Saturday, April 2, 2011

A Welcome Note

Dear Sunway SIFErs,

Welcome to our very own blog for SIFE Sunway! Thanks to our Marketing and Media Relations team especially the VP, Siew Ming for doing such a great job on the layout! =) I hope you Sunway SIFErs like it as much as I do! Forgive your president, but she can never pull this off even though she helped invent Windows for Microsoft...joking of course. Well they say a wise lady admits her weakness, so I'm admitting mine =)

Now the reason why this blog is created is mainly because we'd like to open up and reach out as much as we can to our SIFErs, to hear your thoughts, to dive into your feelings and imagination and also to help you realise your visions into reality! As cliché as it sounds, our team mean it from the bottom of our hearts, because unlike any other conventional clubs or societies, SIFE is REAL when it touches your lives and the lives of others - provided that you are willing to participate in the projects and actively seek to contribute to the community! 

Who are we without your collective thoughts and support afterall. =) So SIFErs, do utilise this blog as much as possible as a way for us to interact and also strengthen our bonds as a family. Remember the quote: 

The combined thought and action of the whole people of any race, creed or nationality, will always point in the right direction.”.
                                                                                                               -U.S President Truman

When I first heard of SIFE, it wasn't even established in Sunway. Being another dot on the radar, neither do I have the power nor connections to bring such a prestigious movement to Sunway University - College once upon a time ago. Do you have an idea of what kind of person I was back then? Laidback, all ideas and thoughts but no implementation..just ambition. It seemed so long ago but...hey I'm not that old.=P The only thing that pushed me forward when I heard of SIFE in Sunway was solely because I sincerely want to put my ideas into reality to help those who really needs help. Ideas that can't be implemented by me alone. Ideas that are imperfect unless criticised and supplemented by ideas of other people smarter and wiser than me.

To you, it may sound like I'm lying, to do things for others without tangible rewards for myself. But I've seen the hardships of others right before my eyes, when 50 cents bought a meal shared for a family of eight - a packet of maggie boiled long enough to expand with veggie if they are lucky during the Monsoon season, or the dilemma of an eldest son whether he should stop schooling to support his younger siblings since his old dad is being underpaid as lorry driver driving late at night not knowing whether he will be safe. This is real. It happens. 

Sympathy alone will bring them nowhere, but our thoughts and little efforts may give them hope to believe that a group of youth is out there trying their best to bring the slightest change that may relieve them off their burden. People are only willing to fight when they believe. And this is why we SIFErs are here. To share our knowledge despite the different academic backgrounds, to empower them with skills and support enough for them to believe that they will be able to sustain themselves in the future. Now is the time to also think of others apart from ourselves, when you do, you have empathy, and you will be a great leader of tomorrow. =)

I myself, am still in the process of learning to become a great leader together with you guys. You guys are leaders yourself the moment you signed up for SIFE. =) I believe that these past few months in SIFE, has taught me a lot more than what I gained for the past few years in any other clubs or teams. I hope, ALL SIFErs will have the same experience during your time in SIFE Sunway. My time in SIFE Sunway may be short, but I never lose faith that current and future generation of Sunway SIFErs will lead the movement to great success. Bear in mind, SIFE Sunway is built on TRUST, UNITY & EQUAL OPPORTUNITY. At least, that's what I saw the moment I met the Team for the first time. =))

Lots of love,
Nabilah Mohamad
SIFE Sunway -April 2011-


Siew Ming said...

we will never know of the outcome before we are willing to give it a try. Just wanna say, SIFE has really made me understood how different, and how REAL it feels when i actually get involved in doing the many things i never imagined myself doing.

it's time we unleash our potentials, SIFERs! ;)

*Thank youu Nabilah! i'm surprised to see my name here x)

Michelle said...

Woah, what an inspiring post :) Good job guys.. :)

Enactus (SIFE) Taylor's University said...

Hey there fellow SIFE-ers,

I am Mazaher, VP of Communication and Marketing for SIFE Taylor's. We were formed just a few months ago, and since we're still new, we were hoping if we could maybe partner on some projects together and help bring about sustainable change.

E-mail me on or visit our blog for more info ( :)
